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The Best Cancer Support T-Shirt Fundraiser!

Cancer survivor Flyer

The POPLife Collection Fundraising Opportunity

We are excited to partner with you! 


Studies have shown people are more likely to support your cause if they receive something in return. Offer our Cancer Awareness shirts online without having to buy inventory for your fundraising campaign.


It's 100% free! We set up your store for you, we’ll ship your t-shirts directly to your supporters and you'll receive a fast payout when your campaign is completed.


Our T-Shirt Fundraising Opportunity is a great way to give a tangible token of appreciation to those who want to support your journey. The cancer journey isn't a solo affair, your loved ones are on this journey with you. This is a great way for your family and friends to help you with financial assistance you need. All they need to do is help you spread the word about your T-Shirt Fundraising Campaign 

Fundraising Thermometer updated frequently. 

Risk Free Way To Raise Money With No Inventory!

Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon

How It Works

  • We will set up a fundraising store for you.

  • We provide quality T-Shirts. We want to ensure the best quality and customer satisfaction. 

  • We do the shipping for you!

  • Proceeds from your campaign: You will receive a Daily Campaign Sales Print out to help you keep track of your fundraising goal. At the end of your cancer awareness campaign, we will issue your proceeds. 

  • ​

    Click The Samples Store Below

    My Breast Cancer Fundraising Store

    My Colon Cancer Fundraising Store



    Your fundraiser can be up and running within 72 business hours!

    Mail truck icon
    shop clip art icon
    Blue Colon Cancer Ribbon
    Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon

    Our Story

    Hi, I'm Cherise, my daughter Arin and I originally started our e-commerce store as a fundraising tool to help offset the cost of competitive dance. Instead of just asking for donations every season I decided to have a fundraiser selling T-Shirts and Tumblers. And here we are! We have now expanded our fundraising efforts to help those with cancer. 


    Last Spring, I received an unexpected Breast Cancer diagnosis! How could this be possible?! I have no family history of breast cancer that I know of. At the time of this writing, I am still on my journey of recovery and healing. Based on my own journey with cancer Arin and I decided to have a dedicated page with Cancer Awareness merchandise. The cancer awareness merchandise can be purchased or used for a fundraiser. The reality is cancer can be expense! Office visits, deductibles, medicines, and surgery and treatments. The medical bills can be overwhelming. Let's not forget our basic daily needs, housing, food, transpiration, clothing.  We support those who are on their Cancer journey, Survivors and those who support both.


    Interested in our fundraising opportunity?

     Let's connect.


    “New Year, New Beginnings, Endless Possibilities.”

    Ships within 7-10 Business Days
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